Challenge Cécile (and Léa): Illustrate my Blog

The illustrating crew

I love when bloggers or magazines illustrate articles with a drawing. I draw myself a little bit but it never occurred to me that I could illustrate my own articles. It was something I thought reserved to the more talented. But then I realised that an illustration doesn’t need to be technically impressive to convey a message. My 13 year old sister Léa drew a comic once for Andrew and it was funny and cute. So I thought, ‘why not’?

I got started with illustrations for old blog posts last week while on holiday in Nice with my family. When Léa saw what I was doing, she demanded something to draw so I delegated some posts for her to illustrate. I think we have a lot of potential to improve. You might see our progress in my future posts!

But for now, I’d like to share what we did already. For those who have been reading my blog for a while, there’s even a little game: you can try and guess the post for which the drawing was made. You’ll see the answer and a brief pitch of the post by highlighting the space underneath the picture. (Léa signed her 2 drawings; I made the others.)

For the newcomers, just click on the picture and it’ll lead you to the connected post.


Highlight here to see the answer: Miss Blue and Miss Red  (in which I explain why I’m so frikkin’ moody)

Highlight here to see the answer: What Switzerland taught me (in which I tell you the powerful story of how I learned to be almost on time, most of the time)

Highlight here to see the answer: A Place to hide emotions (in which I explain why I go to the toilets so often and come back all red-eyed)

Highlight here to see the answer: Challenge Cécile: Jogging (in which I decide to go jogging everyday for 21 days)

Highlight here to see the answer: How to stay in a bad mood (in which you’ll find great tips to nurture a bad mood)

10 thoughts on “Challenge Cécile (and Léa): Illustrate my Blog

  1. Nice touch, I like the drawings, must have been long to make !
    Btw I tagged you in my last post, but the questions are in french so maybe you won’t answer it, but I thought it could be funny :)
    Read you !

    • Merci Paulie! It usually takes me about 2 hours to finish a drawing… I quite like the activity, it’s relaxing and reminds me of my childhood. I’ll think about the questions, thanks for thinking about me ;-)

  2. I guessed right for all of them :-D. I like your drawings and your sister has a unique style… Continuez!

  3. Pingback: A Lesson On How To Draw Through The Ages « PrefacMe

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